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Choose A Plan
8 sessions
1,000$Get motivated and learn how to get started in a fitness program!Valid for 3 months- Personal Training
16 sessions
1,800$Commit to a longer training block to make true changes in your fitness! Discounted by 20% off!Valid for 3 months- Personal Training
8 sessions
1,080$Get motivated with a friend or two, and learn how to get started in a fitness program!Valid for 2 months- Semi-private Personal Training
16 sessions
1,920$Get a friend or two to commit to a longer training block to make true changes in your fitness!Valid for 3 months- Semi-private Personal Training
"Winter Fit" Phase 1- Mon/Wed 6:30pm
350$Get the new year started right! This 2x a week class is held for 8 weeks to prepare you for spring!Valid for 4 months- 2x/week small group fitness classes for 8 weeks
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